Sunday 30 December 2007

Windows Live Hotmail

Windows Live Hotmail: "30 December 2007 First Sunday of Christmas
10.00am Service of the Word, 'Jesus the refugee'
Leading and preaching: Hugh James
Music Leader: John Griffin
 Hebrews 2.10-18 Chris Burberry
 Matthew 2.12-23 Hilda Lewis
Prayers: Graham Woodard
Sidespeople: David and Cynthia Foulds
Welcomers: Beryl Starie"

Friday 11 May 2007

Ninety years old

You have to be made of stern stuff to survive 90 years on this planet. It begs the question why?
Not why stern stuff, but why 90 years. What is the purpose of drifting through this earthly experience? and why do some people make 90+ while others lose on the lottery and fade much sooner. There is no way that you can alter the fact that you will ultimately die, thank goodness we don't know exactly when. However it might be a good idea to consider some reasons why we have this experience in the first place. I suppose a good beginning would be deciding if you want to believe there is something to follow this life. The Christian perspective begins with the belief in a superior being , a trinity of God father son and spirit. There is the promise that all people who acknowledge God will be with him at death and will receive eternal life; not in this life but in heaven. i am skirting away from descriptions because people will spend a lot of time criticising my judgements when they should be looking at their own relationship with God